The students have obviously changed.
The trend of problems in exams have been becoming more about thinking then memorizing.
It also has a high demand on thinking ability.
That's why I have been looking for teaching materials that can build up thinking ability.
As soon as I found this material, I adopted it immediately. In less than three months, the students have changed in obvious ways.
When students don't understand something, they ask questions right away.
They have become able to use their own strength to think through issues and the duration of their concentration has also extended several times.
Therefore, their rate of answering questions correctly has naturally improved. I can feel its effectiveness in a practical way.
There are many free lessons, and the paid lessons are also very cheap. They are really helpful. I have allowed all my students to take these courses.
Tutoring teacher
This course significantly increases students' spatial awareness.
In order to solve complex three-dimensional shape problems, I've spent several years looking for a spatial cognitive ability program needed for problem solving.
But I had never been able to find one.
Even though there are many teaching materials centered on children's learning and many learning materials in the form of games, they are not considered teaching materials that offer the degree of spatial cognition that must be learned in primary school to high school education.
It was then that I discovered this program.
I could only use the word "astonished" to describe my feelings. It was the feeling of "I've finally found you".
Spatial awareness is an intuitive imagining. This textbook can solve problems in a short period of time, like a sport, from various perspectives. It's really amazing.
As a teaching content usable on a tablet, it is of the highest standard.
In order to introduce tablet teaching and change the structure of tutorial classes, I have considered a lot of teaching materials. But this is the only one that offers such a high CP value.
As a teaching content usable on a tablet, it is of the highest standard.
Even the free courses can satisfy the students and improve their results.
Its gaming value is quite obvious, but its education effect is also very good.
Also, after giving these cognitive ability lessons to students that used to give up easily in the face of difficulties, I can see that it has changed them a lot.
The look in the students' eyes is indeed different.
I was waiting for this.
I work as a tutor at home. I found out this type of contents about five years ago. It was very astonishing.
It made me feel how ambiguous the maths that I learned when I was a child were.
I was embarassed of my way of teaching in my classes.
However, the cost of introducing was very high at the time, and a modest tutorial service like mine could not afford.Therefore, I collected all the materials on the market and tried to use a similar approach of teaching.
The results were not good.
At around this time, someone contacted me and gave me information about a GSL program.I couldn't believe the price of the program. The content of the course is also much stronger than it was five years ago.
I was waiting for this!!
You can say this is a trump card that has enabled the tutorial business to survive.
Starting from about six years ago, the number of students coming to tutoring classes has gradually declined. Business operation has begun to deteriorate.
Although there is no doubt that the low fertility rate is one of the reasons, it has also become increasingly difficult to recruit good teachers.
Therefore, last year I made a decision to completely change the format of the tutorial classes.The fact that I can carry on this job is because of this program.
I think this course should be called a trump card that has enabled the tutorial business to survive.Although in the first year not much has changed, change for the better has started happening since last year. Things have gone very smoothly this year!
starting the first admission to contract
lots of special gifts
Introduction processes are simple!
Now, sign-on fees free, 2months free.
unlimited content and a free access to many lectures.
Pay lectures are per month only.
We offer overwhelmingly low price.
※Since actual introduction is in the sequence of application, please submit your application as soon as possible.
If you want to discuss on phone, please fill in your mobile number in the letters.
Our executive will call you.
※We regret to tell you that GSL is a system only for legal persons and are not available for individual use.
Please search GSL course nearby and import the courses.Click in GSL official website