- The cultivation of intuitive cognitive ability
- Establish a hypothesis, train your continual thinking faculty.
Mind training method scenarios (summary)
First method
Enhance spatial cognitive ability. (training to enhance this ability.)
Spatial cognition enhancement training not only enhances the ability to solve shape problems but also cultivates the imagination and the mental ability to understand intuitively.
Specific points of training/p>
- Simultaneous space (three-dimensional) and plane (two-dimensional) perception training
- A variety of teaching methods and materials are required for space and plane training
- Combination of profound problem solving with time attentiveness
Second method
comprehension that all learning materials of mathematics can be seen as "quantity"
Numbers have two definition as following "sequential numbers"and "quantitative numbers"
During last years in primary school, it is necessary to understand both "sequential numbers" and "quantitative numbers", However, younger children should learn a new unit in a "quantitative" way.
Currently, the teaching methods in schools and tutorials expect students to use a "sequential" (that is, not quantity, but point) method to learn before they have acquired a sufficient perception of "quantity".
- Memorizing learning methods are more convenient to teach in some cases.
- It is effective to teach students to solve the answer even without them having a complete understanding of the correct reason.
Specific cases
Scenario 1
The reason that students do badly in decimal or unit conversion is because they are unable to imagine the value as "quantity".
Even if they can do fraction calculation, they cannot understand the concept of fraction "dividing an amount into parts."
- Looking back, the only way to understand multiplication is by reciting the multiplication table, and when doing division,
the student cannot do it with an understanding of quantity - Looking further back, many problems have already existed at the stage of studying addition and subtraction
Scenario 2
With speed units, the "distance speed time formula" seem to be indispensable, but this is caused by an inaccurate understanding of the relationship between the quantity of "distance" "speed" and "time". If these three elements can be understood as seperate quantities, the formula is unnecessary. As a result, a better perception of speed mathematics can be developped, which leads to an understanding in applied questions and related subjects.
(Example) If a car travels at 30km per hour in 12 hours, how many kilometers is the traveled distance?
If you can imagine the above and use 30 × 12 to solve the question, even a primary school 1st to 3rd graders student who has never learned the "distance speed time formula" can understand it.
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